TLA Overload

Paul Boutin once observed that the biggest obstacle to progress in computer science may be the finite supply of TLAs — that is, Three-Letter Acronyms.

Note this: TLA is a self-describing word. (We’ll give it the status of a word for the sake of the argument.) Let’s call such a word “autological”. Now... what is the status of the word “non-autological” — is it autological or not? Heh heh...
In fact, there are just 26³ such acronyms: fewer than 18,000. No wonder there are some collisions out there. This page lists some of the ones I’ve come across “in the wild”. That is, I read of an athlete who “does LSD regularly”. (See below. That’s the TLA with the most equivalents — that I have seen.)

Since I started compiling this list of TLAs found running loose, many websites have arisen that look up acronyms. I will keep updating the list, but only with TLA ambiguities that I personally discover and puzzle over.